
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Opinion writing : Concept & Scope

Most newspapers publish an opinion editorial page next to the editorial page. The newspaper’s staff, syndicated columnists, or national and community opinion leaders often write the articles. However, the editors of most newspapers welcome the opinions of local citizens and leaders in order to add depth of perspective to their publication.

Although most newspapers keep an open mind in determining the content of their opinion editorials, some newspapers will be more inclined to publish an opinion piece on conservation funding than others. That’s why it is important to research the newspaper in advance to understand what kind of editorials it publishes, as well as what issues are covered in the stories. Remember that a newspaper will not publish a story unless it feels it represents a unique or different perspective.

When you have decided to write an opinion editorial, arrange a meeting with the opinion editorial page editor to discuss your ideas and the subject you wish to write about for the newspaper. If they agree to publish your editorial, make sure you get the details on how long the story should be and vehemently observe all deadlines. Finally, if the story is printed, write a thank you note to the editor and keep in touch to update them with additional information on the conservation funding campaign.

What to Say in Opinion Editorial:
Give a concise, but thorough, background on the issue or campaign. Remember, the majority of people reading the story may not have an understanding of the issue. Give a thoughtful, yet brief, background on the issue before venturing into more details of the campaign.
Strengthen your message by citing national trends that show support for your issue. Some factors that favor supporting parks and recreation include: a strong economy, the recent successful passage of open space initiatives in the previous tow election years, the bipartisan support for the issue, the strength and diversity of the constituency, and the broad range of benefits parks and recreation provides for Americans.

Localize the story. Although parks and recreation is very broad and touches lives all across the U.S., the audience for your opinion editorial will want to know how the program affects their community. Provide the reader with specific examples of well-known local parks, recreations centers, and wildlife refuges and give some examples of how this legislation can benefit the community in the future.

Highlight the success of congressional support for the issue. An opinion editorial allows you to stress the importance of support for the issue from both local and national elected officials. For example, draw attention to the fact that more than 315 U.S. House of Representatives voted in favor of the Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA, H.R. 701) last year.

Get the right individual to sign the opinion editorial. A local newspaper is more apt to allow a community leader to author an editorial. Do you want the focus of the article to be about recreation? Then it makes sense during your grassroots constituency-building to find a local athlete or coach who may have some name recognition or standing in the community. Other potential authors could be local “smart growth” leaders, recreation businesses, historic preservationists, wildlife activists or managers, local elected officials, or other members of the community who are recognized for a specific skill or leadership trait.

You may be required to write an essay that is based on your own personal opinion about a controversial topic. Depending on your objective, your composition could be any length, from a short letter to the editor, to a medium-sized speech, or a long research paper. But every piece should contain some basic steps and elements.

1. Collect research to support your opinion. Make sure that your supporting statements match the type of composition you are writing. For example, your evidence will vary from observations (for a letter to the editor) to trustworthy statistics (for a research paper).

2. Acknowledge the previous opinions or arguments that have been made.
"Many students have complained that the dress code implemented by our new headmaster restricts their rights to freedom of expression."

3. Use a transition statement that shows how your opinion adds to the argument or suggests those previous statements and arguments are incomplete or faulty.
Follow up with a statement that expresses your opinion.
"While I agree that the regulations do hamper my ability to express my individualism, I think the economic burden that the new code brings about is a bigger concern."

4.Be careful not to be too sarcastic:
"Many students come from low-income families and they simply don't have the resources to buy new clothing to suit the headmaster's fashion whims."

This statement contains a bit of a sour note. It would only make your argument less professional-sounding. This statement says enough:
"Many students come from low-income families and they simply don't have the resources to buy new clothing in short notice."

5. Next, list supporting evidence to back up your position.

"The recent increase in fees has already led to a decrease in enrollment."
"Some of my friends are struggling to purchase necessities, due to the rising costs."

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